Snow Volleyball?
If you still have no idea what snow volleyball is, you're right here.
What are the rules for playing?
We play with modified beach volleyball rules. The technical elements are identical and the size of the playing field and the height of the grid are the same as for beach volleyball.
- You usually play with shoes with studs (e.g. Football boots) which may not be a danger to you or your teammates/opponents. No metal parts may be used (i.e. no crampons:-))
- You have warm clothes under the shorts when it's really cold:-)
- To keep your hands warm you can play with gloves
- We play in Best of 3 mode on 11 points with 2 points difference
- Page Change all 7 points played
- There are no technical downtimes and only 1 timeout per set
The official rules are currently managed by the CEV. Download